Wednesday, December 9, 2009

All Hail the Blog Whore!

So, this is the spot that you, all my non-blogging friends and family readers (yes, all 4 of you!) can come to take advantage of my blog-reading self.

I'll read the blogs (very good ones too, I might add - you really should read them yourself) and then I'll post any open giveaways, contests, etc., over here. You can hop over to the blog in question and enter. Although this does not legally obligate you to read or peruse said blog in any way, it does morally obligate you to at least pay a smidge bit of attention to the efforts of the blogger who is giving away free awesomeness to the (un)appreciate public (coughyoucough).

I do this out of the goodness of my own heart.*

Why yes, yes I do rock. Thank you very much.

So, this blog will be all about whoring itself out to other blogs, posting giveaways and contests and all that fun stuff. No original content by yours truly (shut UP, I don't want to hear about how happy that makes you). Well, I might throw in a product or business review every once in awhile, if I happen to run across something worthy of posting about (shut UP I don't want to hear that you don't care about my take on stuff).

So, let's go light up the street corners town. Blog Whores rule!

*AndmaybebecauseI'llgetanotherentrybyblogwhoringitoverherebutreallythat'sreallynotallthat importantnowisitlet'sjustmoverightalongthere'snothingmoretoseehere

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